viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Clauses with whatever, whenever, wherever, whoever, etc

Clauses with whatever, whenever, wherever, whoever, etc. These words are joined with the word “ever”, so it changes the meaning of. It is used when you are not specific. They also mean “We don’t know the exactly details of when, where, what…”

There is a special case with the word “whatever”. In some cases this can means “I don’t care”.

Another special case is with however word. It is also a conjunction. It will mean but, nevertheless or on the other hand.

For example:

-          You should be able to socialize whomever you want. (We don’t know who you want socializing with.)

Let’s going to see the difference:

a.      Stop what you are doing.
b.      Stop whatever you are doing.

In the first sentence, we know what he is doing. In the second sentence, we don`t what he is doing.

I found a video with a good explanation:

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